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Regulations on Intra-Party Supervision of the Communist Party of China

Release time: 2016-11-24 00:00:00Published by: Shanxi Financial Holding

Chapter I General rules

第一条 为坚持党的优胜客体育领导,加强党的建设,全面从严治党,强化党内监督,保持党的先进性和纯洁性,根据《优胜客体育》,制定本条例。

第二条 党内监督以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观为指导,深入贯彻Unibet优胜客体育平台总书记系列重要讲话精神,We will promote the "five-in-one" overall layout and the "four-pronged comprehensive" strategic layout in a coordinated manner,Respect the Party constitution,Govern the Party according to rules,We will continue to combine intra-party oversight with oversight by the people,We will strengthen the Party's capacity for self-purification, self-improvement, self-renewal, and self-improvement under conditions of long-term governance,To ensure that the Party remains a strong leadership core for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics。

Article 3 There are no forbidden areas or exceptions to intra-party supervision。Trust is no substitute for oversight。各级党组织应当把信任激励同严格监督结合起来,促使党的优胜客体育领导干部做到有权必有责、有责要担当,用权受监督、失责必追究。

第四条 党内监督必须贯彻民主集中制,依规依纪进行,强化自上而下的组织监督,改进自下而上的民主监督,发挥同级相互监督作用。To learn from past mistakes to avoid future ones, to cure diseases to save people, to catch small ones early, and to prevent small ones from becoming bad ones。

Article 5 The task of intra-party supervision is to ensure the effective implementation of the Party Constitution, rules and discipline throughout the Party,We will safeguard the solidarity and unity of the Party,Focus on addressing the weakness of the Party's leadership, the lack of party building, and the failure to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party,The Party's concept is indifferent, its organization is lax, and its discipline is lax,Loose and soft governance of the Party,Ensure that Party organizations fully perform their functions and play their core role,We will ensure that all Party members play a pioneering and exemplary role,Ensure that leading Party officials are loyal, clean and responsible。

The main contents of intra-party supervision are:

(1) abide by the Party Constitution and rules, strengthen ideals and beliefs, practice the Party's purposes, and set an example of abiding by the Constitution and laws;




(5) Implement the spirit of the eight provisions of the Central Committee, strengthen the work style, keep close ties with the people, and consolidate the foundation of the Party's governance;

(6) Adhere to the Party's standards for cadres, establish a correct orientation for the selection and employment of cadres, and implement the provisions on the selection and appointment of cadres;

(7) honesty, self-discipline and impartially exercising power;

(8) The completion of the tasks assigned by the Party Central Committee and higher Party organizations。

Article 6 The key objects of intra-Party supervision are the leading organs and leading cadres of the Party, especially the principal leading cadres。

Article 7 Intra-Party supervision must give priority to discipline,Use the "Four Forms" of supervision and enforcement,Frequent criticism and self-criticism, interview letters,让“红红脸、出出汗”成为常态;党纪轻处分、组织调整成为违纪处理的大多数;党纪重处分、重大职务调整的成为少数;严重违纪涉嫌违法立案审查的成为极少数。

第八条 党的优胜客体育领导干部应当强化自我约束,经常对照党章检查自己的言行,自觉遵守党内政治生活准则、廉洁自律准则,加强党性修养,陶冶道德情操,永葆共产党人政治本色。

第九条 建立健全党中央统一优胜客体育领导,党委(党组)全面监督,纪律检查机关专责监督,党的工作部门职能监督,党的基层组织日常监督,党员民主监督的党内监督体系。

Chapter II Supervision by the Central Party Organization

Article 10 The Central Committee, the Political Bureau and the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee shall exercise overall leadership over intra-Party supervision。中央委员会全体会议每年听取中央政治局工作报告,监督中央政治局工作,部署加强党内监督的重大任务。

Article 11 The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee shall regularly study and deploy plans for study and education throughout the Party,Find problems and correct deviations in the spirit of rectification;We will listen to and deliberate on the Party's report on the implementation of the eight-point Regulations of the Central Committee,加强作风建设情况监督检查;听取中央纪律检查委员会常务委员会工作汇报;听取中央巡视情况汇报,We will achieve full coverage of central inspections within one term。The Political Bureau of the Central Committee holds a democratic meeting every year to conduct a comparative inspection and analysis of Party spirit, and study measures to strengthen self-construction。

第十二条 中央委员会成员必须严格遵守党的政治纪律和政治规矩,发现其他成员有违反党章、破坏党的纪律、危害党的团结统一的行为应当坚决抵制,并及时向党中央报告。对中央政治局委员的意见,署真实姓名以书面形式或者其他形式向中央政治局常务委员会或者中央纪律检查委员会常务委员会反映。

第十三条 中央政治局委员应当加强对直接分管部门、地方、领域党组织和优胜客体育领导班子成员的监督,定期同有关地方和部门主要负责人就其履行全面从严治党责任、廉洁自律等情况进行谈话。

第十四条 中央政治局委员应当严格执行中央八项规定,自觉参加双重组织生活,如实向党中央报告个人重要事项。带头树立良好家风,加强对亲属和身边工作人员的教育和约束,严格要求配偶、子女及其配偶不得违规经商办企业,不得违规任职、兼职取酬。

Chapter III Supervision by the Party Committee (Party Group)

第十五条 党委(党组)在党内监督中负主体责任,书记是第一责任人,党委常委会委员(党组成员)和党委委员在职责范围内履行监督职责。The Party Committee (Party Group) performs the following supervisory duties:

(1) To lead the intra-party supervision work of the departments and units in their respective regions, organize the implementation of various supervision systems, and do a good job of supervision and inspection;



(4) To put forward opinions and suggestions on the work of the Party Committee and the Commission for discipline Inspection at a higher level, and carry out supervision。

第十六条 党的工作部门应当严格执行各项监督制度,加强职责范围内党内监督工作,既加强对本部门本单位的内部监督,又强化对本系统的日常监督。

第十七条 党内监督必须加强对党组织主要负责人和关键岗位优胜客体育领导干部的监督,重点监督其政治立场、加强党的建设、从严治党,执行党的决议,公道正派选人用人,责任担当、廉洁自律,落实意识形态工作责任制情况。


The relevant personal matters of the principal persons in charge of Party organizations shall be made public within a certain scope within the Party and voluntarily accept supervision。

第十八条 党委(党组)应当加强对优胜客体育领导干部的日常管理监督,掌握其思想、工作、作风、生活状况。党的优胜客体育领导干部应当经常优胜客体育开展批评和自我批评,敢于正视、深刻剖析、主动改正自己的缺点错误;对同志的缺点错误应当敢于指出,帮助改进。

Article 19 Inspection is an important means of intra-party supervision。中央和省、自治区、直辖市党委一届任期内,对所管理的地方、部门、企事业单位党组织全面巡视。巡视党的组织和党的优胜客体育领导干部Respect the Party constitution、党的优胜客体育领导、党的建设和党的路线方针政策落实情况,履行全面从严治党责任、执行党的纪律、落实中央八项规定精神、党风廉政建设和反腐败工作以及选人用人情况。Identify problems, form shock and awe, promote reform and development, and play the sword role of strict party governance。


第二十条 严格党的组织生活制度,民主生活会应当经常化,遇到重要或者普遍性问题应当及时召开。民主生活会重在解决突出问题,优胜客体育领导干部应当在会上把群众反映、巡视反馈、组织约谈函询的问题说清楚、谈透彻,优胜客体育开展批评和自我批评,提出整改措施,接受组织监督。The higher party organizations should strengthen the guidance and supervision of the democratic life of the lower leading groups and improve the quality of the democratic life。

Article 21 Adhere to the intra-party talking system and earnestly carry out reminding and encouraging talks。It is found that leading cadres have a tendency or tendency in ideology, style, discipline, etc,The person in charge of the relevant Party organization shall promptly remind and talk to him;Found minor disciplinary problems,Leaders of higher party organizations should speak to them,And by myself to make an explanation or review,After being signed by the main person in charge of the party organization, it shall be reported to the discipline inspection commission and organizational department at the higher level。

Article 22 The system of inspection and evaluation of cadres shall be strictly enforced,Comprehensively examine the performance of morality, ability, diligence, performance and integrity,Both performance and morality are important,We will focus on the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and higher-level Party organizations,Fulfill the responsibility of governing the Party,Position on major issues of principle,Attitude towards the people,The completion of urgent, difficult and dangerous tasks。During the inspection and assessment, the main person in charge of the party organization should make an evaluation of the team members seeking truth from facts。Assessment and comments are loaded into the cadre file after meeting with me。落实党组织主要负责人在干部选任、考察、决策等各个环节的责任,对失察失责的应当严肃追究责任。

第二十三条 党的优胜客体育领导干部应当每年在党委常委会(或党组)扩大会议上述责述廉,接受评议。述责述廉重点是执行政治纪律和政治规矩、Fulfill the responsibility of governing the Party、推进党风廉政建设和反腐败工作以及执行廉洁纪律情况。The integrity report should be included in the integrity file and made public to a certain extent。

第二十四条 坚持和完善优胜客体育领导干部个人有关事项报告制度,优胜客体育领导干部应当按规定如实报告个人有关事项,及时报告个人及家庭重大情况,事先请示报告离开岗位或者工作所在地等。Relevant departments shall strengthen spot checks and verification。Those who intentionally falsely report and conceal major personal matters, tamper with and falsify personal archival materials shall be investigated and dealt with severely。

第二十五条 建立健全党的优胜客体育领导干部插手干预Important matter记录制度,发现利用职务便利违规干预干部选拔任用、工程建设、执纪执法、司法活动等问题,应当及时向上级党组织报告。

Chapter IV Supervision by the Party Commission for Discipline Inspection

第二十六条 党的各级纪律检查委员会是党内监督的专责机关,履行监督执纪问责职责,加强对所辖范围内党组织和优胜客体育领导干部遵守党章党规党纪、贯彻执行党的路线方针政策情况的监督检查,承担下列具体任务:




第二十七条 纪律检查机关必须把维护党的政治纪律和政治规矩放在首位,坚决纠正和查处上有政策、下有对策,有令不行、有禁不止,口是心非、阳奉阴违,搞团团伙伙、拉帮结派,欺骗组织、对抗组织等行为。

第二十八条 纪委派驻纪检组对派出机关负责,加强对被监督单位优胜客体育领导班子及其成员、其他优胜客体育领导干部的监督,发现问题应当及时向派出机关和被监督单位党组织报告,认真负责调查处置,对需要问责的提出建议。


派驻纪检组应当带着实际情况和具体问题,定期向派出机关汇报工作,至少每半年会同被监督单位党组织专题研究1次党风廉政建设和反腐败工作。Failure to find problems that can be found is dereliction of duty, and failure to report and dispose of problems is dereliction of duty, and we must be seriously accountable。

第二十九条 认真处理信访举报,做好问题线索分类处置,早发现早报告,对社会反映突出、群众评价较差的优胜客体育领导干部情况及时报告,对重要检举事项应当集体研究。定期分析研判信访举报情况,对信访反映的典型性、普遍性问题提出有针对性的处置意见,督促信访举报比较集中的地方和部门查找分析原因并认真整改。

第三十条 严把干部选拔任用“党风廉洁意见回复”关,综合日常工作中掌握的情况,加强分析研判,实事求是评价干部廉洁情况,防止“带病提拔”、“带病上岗”。

第三十一条 接到对干部一般性违纪问题的反映,应当及时找本人核实,谈话提醒、约谈函询,让干部把问题讲清楚。约谈被反映人,可以与其所在党组织主要负责人一同进行;被反映人对函询问题的说明,应当由其所在党组织主要负责人签字后报上级纪委。Records of conversations and replies to correspondence shall be carefully verified and filed for future reference。Where no problem is found, it shall be clarified, and those who misrepresent the situation shall be dealt with seriously。

第三十二条 依规依纪进行执纪审查,重点审查不收敛不收手,问题线索反映集中、群众反映强烈,现在重要岗位且可能还要提拔使用的优胜客体育领导干部,三类情况同时具备的是重中之重。执纪审查应当查清违纪事实,让审查对象从学习党章入手,从理想信念宗旨、党性原则、作风纪律等方面检查剖析自己,审理报告应当事实清楚、定性准确,反映审查对象思想认识情况。

第三十三条 对违反中央八项规定精神的,严重违纪被立案审查开除党籍的,严重失职失责被问责的,以及发生在群众身边、影响恶劣的不正之风和腐败问题,应当点名道姓通报曝光。

Article 34 Supervision over discipline inspection organs shall be strengthened。Where discipline inspection organs and their staff are found to have violated discipline, they must be dealt with seriously。各级纪律检查机关必须加强自身建设,健全内控机制,自觉接受党内监督、社会监督、群众监督,确保权力受到严格约束。

Chapter V Supervision of primary-level Party organizations and Party members

Article 35 Primary-level Party organizations shall play the role of bastions of battle and perform the following supervisory duties:




第三十六条 党员应当本着对党和人民事业高度负责的态度,积极行使党员权利,履行下列监督义务:

(1) Strengthen democratic supervision over leading Party officials and promptly report the opinions and demands of the masses to Party organizations;




The sixth chapter is the combination of intra-party supervision and external supervision

第三十七条 各级党委应当支持和保证同级人大、政府、监察机关、司法机关等对国家机关及公职人员依法进行监督,人民政协依章程进行民主监督,审计机关依法进行审计监督。有关国家机关发现党的优胜客体育领导干部违反党规党纪、需要党组织处理的,应当及时向有关党组织报告。审计机关发现党的优胜客体育领导干部涉嫌违纪的问题线索,应当向同级党组织报告,必要时向上级党组织报告,并按照规定将问题线索移送相关纪律检查机关处理。

在纪律审查中发现党的优胜客体育领导干部严重违纪涉嫌违法犯罪的,应当先作出党纪处分决定,再移送行政机关、司法机关处理。Law enforcement and judicial organs file and investigate cases involving leading Party cadres in accordance with law,The Party committee and discipline inspection commission at the same level shall be notified;The Party organization to which the cadre belongs shall comply with the relevant provisions,Suspend the relevant rights of party members;Be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law,Or suspected of violating discipline although not constituting a crime,It should be transferred to the Commission for Discipline Inspection。

Article 38 The Communist Party of China and the democratic parties have long coexisted, supervised each other, and shared weal and woe with each other。各级党组织应当支持民主党派履行监督职能,重视民主党派和无党派人士提出的意见、批评、建议,完善知情、沟通、反馈、落实等机制。

第三十九条 各级党组织和党的优胜客体育领导干部应当认真对待、自觉接受社会监督,利用互联网技术和信息化手段,推动党务公开、拓宽监督渠道,虚心接受群众批评。新闻媒体应当坚持党性和人民性相统一,坚持正确导向,加强舆论监督,对典型案例进行剖析,发挥警示作用。

Chapter VII Rectification and guarantee

第四十条 党组织应当如实记录、集中管理党内监督中发现的问题和线索,及时了解核实,作出相应处理;不属于本级办理范围的应当移送有权限的党组织处理。

Article 41 The Party organization shall rectify the problems found in the course of supervision and make sure that each and every case is settled。The results of the rectification shall be promptly reported to the Party organizations at higher levels, and when necessary, may be notified to the Party organizations and Party members at lower levels, and made public。


第四十二条 党委(党组)、纪委(纪检组)应当加强对履行党内监督责任和问题整改落实情况的监督检查,Failure to perform or incorrectly perform the duties of intra-party supervision,And ineffective error correction and rectification,It shall be handled in accordance with the Regulations on Disciplinary Measures of the Communist Party of China and the Regulations on Accountability of the Communist Party of China。

第四十三条 党组织应当保障党员知情权和监督权,鼓励和支持党员在党内监督中发挥积极作用。提倡署真实姓名反映违纪事实,党组织应当为检举控告者严格保密,并以适当方式向其反馈办理情况。Those who interfere with supervision or retaliate against supervisors shall be dealt with strictly according to discipline。

Article 44 Party organizations shall guarantee the relevant rights of the objects of supervision, such as the right to plead and the right to appeal。After investigation, it is found that the object of supervision has not committed any wrongdoing, it shall be clarified and its name rectified。Those who insult, slander or frame others in the name of supervision shall be dealt with seriously in accordance with discipline;Those suspected of committing crimes shall be transferred to judicial organs for handling。If the object of supervision refuses to accept the decision, it may lodge a complaint in accordance with the provisions of the Party Constitution。The Party organization concerned shall carefully review and review the matter and draw conclusions。

Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions

Article 45 The Central Military Commission may formulate relevant provisions in accordance with these Regulations。

Article 46 The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations。

Article 47 These Regulations shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation。